CE Platform Abstraction Layer (CEPAL) for Windows 10 IoT

Since Microsoft Windows Embedded Compact is now officially out of its support life-cycle, many of our customers are looking to see what they can replace CE with. The choice is often between Linux/Android and Windows 10 IoT.

The main problem when moving to a new OS is the, often massive, code-base that needs to be ported to the new OS. In the case of Linux/Android this is more of a complete rewrite than a port and this was no different for Windows 10 IoT Core, until Microsoft announced the CE Platform Abstraction Layer (CEPAL) for Windows 10 IoT:

Microsoft has provided platforms and operating systems for embedded devices for decades. As new offerings such as Windows 10 IoT have become available, our customers and partners are increasingly interested in the advanced security, platform, and cloud connectivity features that these OS provide. Customers moving from most earlier editions of Windows, like Windows XP and Windows 7, can do so with little effort because of binary compatible applications. Other operating systems, like Windows CE, require device builders to modify source code. Porting applications like this can be challenging.

To help these customers move to Windows 10 IoT and harness the full power of the intelligent edge including artificial intelligence and machine learning, Microsoft is developing technology that will allow most customers to run their existing, unmodified Windows CE applications on Windows 10 IoT while they continue to invest in updating their applications. You can learn more about how this technology works in the recent IoT Show episode Modernizing Windows CE Devices.


Microsoft is gauging how much interest there is for this feature, and based on that interest will assign resources and even add more functionality to Windows 10 IoT Core to make it even easier for CE applications to run on Windows 10 IoT Core.

So, if you are interested in moving your CE application to Windows 10 IoT Core, please let Microsoft know. The more people that fill out the form, the easier it will get to move to Windows 10 IoT Core.

Now that we can run CE application binaries on Windows 10 IoT Core, without the need to port or even recompile code, choosing between Linux/Android or Windows 10 IoT Core as your next OS becomes a no-brainer.

Of course the experts of GuruCE are ready to help you move to Windows 10 IoT Core; contact us for more information.

Watch the Channel9 video: